Monday, May 25, 2009

What's New

So I really do have a life, even if I'm not good at keeping up with my blog...

Let's start with Wednesday, because that's about as far back as I can remember.  We had church here at the house on the back patio with some STEAK (and yes, of course I made a salad).  We opened our Bibles but never got to the "study" part because we kept on talking and laughing and telling stories.  Sometimes those times are equally or even more important than "studying."

Thursday we went to Artiles, a new Cuban restaurant, with the neighbors.  It was to celebrate her birthday a MONTH ago.  The restaurant had AWESOME food and the people were really friendly.  Not a huge buffet selection but that's ok because everything tasted so good.  Mmmm...I love those fried plantains.

Friday I took the day OFF and hung out at home with Reber who had a stomach bug.  Still much better than working.

Saturday my neighbor, Karina, and I went with her church to Our Community Place to cook and eat lunch with the people there.  That is one amazing place with a bunch of good people.

We also had another cookout with my neighbors and coworkers in the afternoon.  Everybody enjoyed hamburgers and grilled corn, face painting, and a tres leches cake fiasco that was still delicious.  It totally fell apart!

Here is my neighbor painting the kids' faces.  She is so talented at everything and always has good ideas.  The kids were so excited that they kept crowding around her and she hardly had space to work sometimes!

Here are the kids with their finished faces:

I LOVE all these kids - they're so adorable and funny.  Plus we discovered that our shared backyard space is perfect for kids to run around and play.  I always say "I don't have a yard," but really I do!

Sunday I cleaned the basement like a madwoman because I want to have a yard sale sometime in the coming weeks.

And now it's Monday.  Time to savor the extra day off, get a few things done, and take a break!

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