Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Movie Review: The Wild

We got this last week on Netflix and I have to say it was one of the best "new" animated movies. When I say "new", I'm talking about the ones that have come out since I "grew up", like Madagascar, Open Season, stuff like that. I love every Disney movie from my youth...especially The Little Mermaid and Mulan.

Anyway, first of all, you will not believe the animation in this thing. I kept telling Reber, "That's a real garbage truck, that's a real zoo." Also, when you read the blurb about the movie, you will think you've seen it already because it sounds like Madagascar. They are kinda similar, but I like this one better...It has a better heart-warming story line and makes you laugh the whole way through.

Now let's hope that Disney can come up with some new storylines for the next one...

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